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Blunt Professor's Assessment


10 per session - Virtual OK - Posted Jan 14, 2017

Recently I've been told that one of the best assessments I can give is a brutally honest one. Basically, instead of beating around the bush and trying to keep the aspirant's (student or otherwise) feelings, dreams, and fantasies in check, I will give them the blunt and honest truth about either their work, their direction, classes, or general student guidance. Will you become the next Descartes? No, you probably won't. Will you become the next Bill Gates? No, you most definitely won't. Definitely not with a 2.85 GPA you won't. I will give you a real impression of things to come without telling you that if you try hard enough, you too can become a demigod with an infinite bank account.

This is not the kind of advice you'd get from a student counselor. This is not the service for everybody. This is a service being created by unexpected demand. I will happily provide it... but you should seriously consider whether this kind of assessment or something a little nicer... which I also provide. ;)

Training & Qualifications

Professor of Political Science
(Ph.D. in political science, two masters of the same, B.S. of the same)

Availability & Preferences

If you'd like advice via the Simbi messaging service, then my availability is much of the day. If you'd like something more direct, then in the evenings, or if via text or a messenger (Skype, etc.), then afternoons/evenings.

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Sean

Feb 01, 2020
I love this service!! It has helped me so much in the past couple of years. I will probably never stop requesting this service :D
Jul 25, 2019
Amazing guy, he taught me what it truly meant to be human.
Jul 06, 2018
Helpful and critical as always :)
Mar 27, 2018
Yet again, he was superbly helpful. Definitely made me improve!
Mar 27, 2018
He was incredibly helpful! Everyone, if you have ever written/done anything in your entire life, he will help you. I'm serious. This is the critique y...ou really need. Detailed, relevant commentary and, well, "blunt assessments" will improve you as a writer and as a person (by destroying that ego).show more
Jul 12, 2017
Sean gave good advice and was very detailed.
Richard received session of Blunt Professor's Assessment from Sean
Apr 09, 2017
Had fun!
Mar 21, 2017
Sean is thorough.
Inactive User
Inactive User received session of Blunt Professor's Assessment from Sean
Feb 20, 2017
Very well spoken and thought out conversation! Really appreciated the advice.
Feb 19, 2017
Sean gave me great feedback on my resume from a unbiased, professional perspective. He noticed errors that I totally overlooked and pointed out some r...eal deficits that would have confused hiring more


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Sean's other services

Creative Writing Help
The idea of an exchange of skills is refreshing. Money isn't always freely available, so being able to barter for services in exchange of your own is both useful and relieving. Simbi has changed ...

Creative Writing Help

3D Modeling in Blender
The idea of an exchange of skills is refreshing. Money isn't always freely available, so being able to barter for services in exchange of your own is both useful and relieving. Simbi has changed ...

3D Modeling in Blender

30 minute Political Science Tutor
The idea of an exchange of skills is refreshing. Money isn't always freely available, so being able to barter for services in exchange of your own is both useful and relieving. Simbi has changed ...

30 minute Political Science Tutor

Sean's requests

Sean is requesting
Video Game Art
I'm looking for some help with video game artwork. The design of the game, its characters, etc., are all complete, but there is a lack of artists to help. Our current artists have a backlog that ...

The idea of an exchange of skills is refreshing. Money isn't always freely available, so being able to barter for services in exchange of your own is both useful and relieving. Simbi has changed ...
Sean is requesting
RPG-style portraits wanted
I'm looking for a digital artist to create five RPG-style portraits. Three would be human, two would be alien. They'd feature as placeholder art for a video game I'm producing. I've got the basi...

The idea of an exchange of skills is refreshing. Money isn't always freely available, so being able to barter for services in exchange of your own is both useful and relieving. Simbi has changed ...

About Sean Bentzen

I'm a hardcore PC gamer, author, professor of political science, former insurance agent, political consultant, and specialty finance worker. I regularly wonder if I should have gone into game develop...ment or swore myself to poverty to write novels for a living. I have a voracious appetite for politics, consistent with my expertise and profession, and love to get into it with anybody - minus hurt feelings and painful arguments. On the personal side: I'm married and have two children, a son and daughter. I've also got two cats and a dog. I'm pretty sure the only reason we don't have more pets is because of the size of our house. You have to stop eventually. I've recently taken the plunge and started an indie gaming studio called Digital Meatloaf. I and my co-founders are making our first game which we hope to release sometime soon. One of the reasons I finally started the studio was because of Simbi. Being able to barter for a few of the initial services I needed to get started was extremely helpful. I and my co-founders simply didn't have the money or expertise to do some of the things we needed at the very beginning, so being able to barter our services for help made a big difference. Anyone who thinks that such a barter exchange service is just a fad or just something to pass the time underestimates it. I'm living proof that Simbi can be an extremely valuable service. For that, I hope to contribute to the Simbi community for as long as I can and in whatever way I more

Open to other proposals
Sean Bentzen is looking for:
  • Just for Fun
  • Gaming
  • Fun & Quirky
  • IT/Support
  • Pets
  • Digital Marketing
  • Web/Software Development
  • Digital
  • Classes & Webcasts
  • Tutoring & Mentoring
  • Learning
  • Writing & Editing
  • Consulting & Coaching
  • Administration
  • Marketing
  • Legal
  • Business
  • Friendship/Listening
  • Experiences
  • Counseling & Therapy
  • Wellness
  • Personal Training
  • Fitness
  • Entertainment & Performance