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Character Creation and Improvement


10 per session - Virtual OK - Posted Mar 07, 2018

I've got the programs,advice, and tools you need to help make your characters feel more real. Fellow writers, is your MC flat? Are they in a situation where you're not sure of the outcome, because you are struggling to build a well rounded character? Having issue explaining why or how that particular scene making, opponent busting, move works? Well, I can help you out! Character and world building are the things I am best at! Send me a message and we get you squared away.

Training & Qualifications

Well I don't exactly have credentials but here is a sample character I built specifically for the #Roguewerks battles

Fighter information sheet

Name: Sulti-yon
Age: 32
Race: Human(Targaesion)
Height: 6’8”
Weight: 350 lbs (42% body fat)

Intelligence 4
With 8 Head spaces he is second only to his brother who holds the record at 16

Strength 3 and 5* Life long martial artist and spiritual leader for his clan have conditioned his body to peak possible performance

Speed 2 and 6*
Agile for his height and weight but still prefers to walk over run. However in phage phase* he is very much faster than any normal anything should be.

Durability 4
Extremely durable. A long life in mountainous conditions and a lifetime of training there and in the desert.

Energy Projection
Not energy projection so much as manipulation

Fighting Skills
Personal fighting style borrowed from bagwa,64 trigram gentle palm,and the Tulwar sword style

Specific power set
Zero Rotation: Spins fast enough for it to look like he is standing still. The rotational force creates gravity and he is able to control his gravity’s affect on the area around him as well as manipulate the air currents.
Phage Phase*: Looses considerable body mass, synaptic pathways rebuild/redouble,and physical speed is boosted to faster than thought and can heal from light wounds and foreign substances for 20 minutes. This is due to his deity blessing, his body super heats and runs through cellular mitosis/metabolism at a rate befitting immortality.
Extinguishing step: Using zero rotation in phage phase unlocks the extinguishing step. Sulti no longer needs to eat,sleep,drink,or breathe. He can not be caused to stop forward progression unless its of his own volition and he can not be knocked out/ down.Consciousness is no longer needed only the mantra created upon entering this state.
The longer he stays in this mode the more likely it is he will die at the 20 minute mark ending the phage phase.

Extremely focused and centered
Can sing exceptionally well
Can commune with anything with a soul on a spiritual level
Extreme environment survivalist
Master Martial artist
Teaches Physical Education at Edentide Consortium
Muscle mimicry
Eidetic memory
Sight beyond sight (can see through awakened spiritual sight in several planes of existence and 360° simultaneously)

Power level

Above average for a typical god level character in Phage phase. Normal everyday monk with life time of conditioning otherwise.

Poor constitution. (IBS)
Poor physical eye sight

Availability & Preferences

I am free most days,the fact that this is done online frees up a lot of time. I'm flexible.

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Aljernon

Anthony received session of Character Creation and Improvement from Aljernon
Jun 22, 2018
Very excellent and knowledgeable assistance, very much appreciated and I highly recommend his insight!
Jasmine provided unit of Character Design/Illustration for Aljernon
Jul 11, 2023
He is an extremely patient and understanding client and communicator.
Maxeem provided hour of Traditionally inked comic-style art for Aljernon
Oct 04, 2018
Great patience, great storytelling
Inactive User
Inactive User received session of Justification from Aljernon
Jul 27, 2018
Cheryle provided unit of Shop for Free Hacks for Aljernon
Mar 17, 2018
Thank you! I hope you earn well!


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

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About Aljernon Brinson

Aljernon Brinson (writer Non E. Inverse) is a novelist, duelist, dream world demigod and nerd master of universal recognition. He lives in California but is from Texas by way of New York. Just like P...ETA he thinks globally and acts locally,but is defiantly one of those People Eating them Tasty Animals. "Grapes are dishonest fruit.” Let me also say so it can't be said I didn't warn: Do not bash other Simbians to me! That is the quickest way to get me to pull my deal and cut communication completely. The way I view it is simple,every attempt and giving me my dreams is precious. We are all here to grow and be appreciated so what if the gift is not exactly what I wanted. Someone put real effort into its creation,I essentially got it for free or by doing something I enjoy and I am thankful for it! Guess what? If it isn't perfection, I now have reference material for the next Simbian to attempt it! Do not be a Simbiot do not expect me to appreciate your attempts to belittle others or you might as well not send me a message. Thank more

Open to other proposals
Aljernon Brinson is looking for:
  • Fun & Quirky
  • Cheap & Easy
  • Gaming
  • Ask Me Anything
  • Just for Fun
  • Skincare
  • Hair styling
  • Style & Fashion
  • Art Lessons
  • Bartending
  • Dietary Counselling
  • Food
  • Tailoring & Sewing
  • Music & Audio
  • Custom Art