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Answer Questions about the Trinity


5 per session - Virtual OK - Posted Sep 21, 2017

It does not feel good to have misunderstandings about that which is important to you. It also oesn't feel good after you ask for help and they seem to shew you away with empty answers. I understand how this feels. GOD seeks that you know Him in way sthat knowing Him are fully possible.

I have spent much time researching, assessing and discussing this concept of the One GOD of Israel and of Christianity. I have had my times of misunderstanding, relearning, and learning aright. I am ready now and happy to help all would desire clarity. This concept of Triune Oneness has baffled many. I do not jest as to be able to bring you to a full understanding. That would be deceptive. I offer to walk you through to a place of comfort in what can be understood. I offer to help you decide whether there is contradiction or compliment; whether dreams or reality. Allow me to help you understand.

Training & Qualifications

I have been a Christian for 17 years. I have been through 1000s of hours of research and training. Certified as Formal Instructor. Conducted over 3500+ hours of instruction in analysis and research. I am presently writing curriculum for basics of analyzing scripture. I have spent 1000s of hours counseling people on the philosophies and realities of the Word of GOD and the tenants of the faith.

Availability & Preferences

8pm-10pm U.S. Central Standard Time
I prefer to coordinate over Facebook Messenger and to talk audibly over Zello

Trading Preference: I prefer being paid in simbi

Reviews of Marcus

Sep 22, 2017
Marcus wrote an amazing poem for me!


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Marcus's other services

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About Marcus Mister

I'm 33, from Chicago, IL. I am and have been Active Duty Navy for 10 years. Ive been to 7 different countries and three oceans. I've served as an Intelligence Analyst. I've also been qualified a Fitness Trainer, Formal Instructor, Technical Trainer. and Curriculum Specialist. I intend to eventually male thsee resources available to Simbi. I am a Christian. I minister and evangelize the found and the lost. I am a Personal Bible Teacher that is denominationally independent.I am all about practical everyday holiness and Kingdom Love. For those interested in bible study: I have been equipped to break things down for us non technical people. Also I don't represent any group or particular brick and mortar establishment, only the Living Lord Jesus. I an happy to help you get closer to Him. I intend to do so by helping your understanding of His word. I do not intend to lead you out of your denomination because that is typically not necessary. Those things of this walk of faith that matter are right there in the word for everyone to see. Therefore I help at from that point of view. Husband 9 years, Father of 3 Autistic sons, Christian 16 more

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