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David is requesting

Graphic design skills wanted


211 for fulfilling my request - Virtual OK - Posted May 11, 2020

I'm looking for someone with graphic design skills who would like to use their skills to create sketches out of photos (I heard there was some software for that) that I want to include in my book to make it a bit more fun and juicy. I have collected photos from the internet, (and have some of my own) but would prefer to have these pics as sketches to make it more organic and fun and to get around the issue of using images that I dont own. Ideally, it would be someone that vibes with my book, but it doesn't have to be. The sketches dont have to be too detailed. If you are interested, give me your email address and I will send you a copy of my book (google doc) which includes the photos / pics I have collected, and then we can discuss. I have close to 300 Simbi points total which I built up over time, a couple years ago, when I was more regular and active here. I dont know how much value that holds now. I look forward to discussing with you.

Reviews of David

Joanna provided visit of Natural Law Oracle Reading for David
Aug 19, 2022
David was very flexible and provided me with enough time to do a detailed reading. I appreciate him!
Whatyellen left review for David
Jun 05, 2022
he is friendly but too busy for Simbi, I gather, as the deal was struck yet he stopped responding.
Lauren provided session of Setup your business/ simbi online for David
Dec 03, 2021
A pleasure. Consistently a wonderful person to work with.
May 06, 2021
Dave is an exciting guy; going the extra bit to show off his physical models and give a break down for his activities, being built up over many years ...leads an aura of modestyshow more
Jun 03, 2020
Great experience. David gave effective instructionand and we had a friendly chat.
Jay provided Help with sketches wanted for David
May 21, 2020
He is really chill to me. He’s easy to work with.
Iris Betts provided package of Soul Path Reading, Mayan Astrology for David
Sep 10, 2018
David has an amazing soul path and I was grateful to share our mutual insights into his priceless work and services!
Mohamad provided unit of SEO Consult for David
Aug 25, 2018
Iris Betts received session of Festive earthen masonry training from David
Aug 24, 2018
David is a practical visionary who rolls up his sleeves and willingly gives freely of his intelligent vision and services. A true humanitarian! A bles...sing to us all!show more
Yoga Retreats received unit of Simple inner smile meditation from David
Feb 21, 2018
Was not available to take services.. long awaiting


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

David's services

Festive earthen masonry training
Looks good. sharing is caring. I've seen some crazy good services you wouldn't be able to find anywhere else

Festive earthen masonry training

Teach you natural building
Looks good. sharing is caring. I've seen some crazy good services you wouldn't be able to find anywhere else

Teach you natural building

Simple inner smile meditation
Looks good. sharing is caring. I've seen some crazy good services you wouldn't be able to find anywhere else

Simple inner smile meditation

About David Mitsak

I created as an answer to the call for stronger communities. I practice and teach the universal tao system of meditations and exercises taught by master mantak chia who certif...ied me to teach. I appreciate the darkroom enlightenment technology and have conducted 2 darkroom retreats for 4 and 9 days. My stage name is ratsack and I was part of Russell Simmons def poetry jam series on HBO, performing my original work, "I'm losing you," and "Free the toes." show more

Open to other proposals
David Mitsak is looking for:
  • Digital Marketing
  • Website Consulting
  • Web/Software Development
  • Video & AV
  • Graphic Design
  • Digital
  • Fresh Produce
  • Business
  • Experiences
  • Art & Design